
What is this Facebook Virus I keep hearing about ?

by  |  earlier

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I keep hearing about it and i have now clue what is it. All i know is that is spreading fast and its very dangerous .

- What is the virus ?

- Where can it be found (in a application,a inbox message, ect.)

-What are its effects?

- Any other Info..

thanks soo much !




  1. i got the virus and it does several things. First of all to get the virus u must download the update that the video says to need to play the video. Once u do that it will start sending out those messages from ur account. Also i found that when i would do a google search, if i clicked on the top links then internet explorer would open a link to more viruses. i think it also had a keylogger and some other stuff. i used Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware's free version and i think that it worked. i dont know yet.

  2. Applications that are fraudulent are targets for virus's to be transported to users computer .. but people are too addicted to realise... My norton anti-virus system has a new phishing protection where it clickly identifies a fraudulent website and blocks that site to protect computer from potential attacks... facebook has  alot of hackers... my norton virus system is the best protection against virus's and hackers on facebook.

  3. it's an email message saying something about a video on youtube.  Do not open it, just delete it.  My account is now disabled and facebook is not responding to my emails.

  4. in a nutshell just don't open any link's that your friends may send you that don't sound quite right. I myself have had two friends get hacked because someone was able to get their password after they followed one of the links.  

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