
What is this? Homework help..?

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I have to write "about me." I don't know what to right though, any suggestions?

Then, I have to write about "Goals."

1. Class

2. School


I have to write about who i am & who i'm not.

What does that mean - who i'm not?




  1. Write about you:

    Your race/ethnicity.

    Your religion.

    Your family and pets.

    Your likes/dislikes/hobbies/sports/activities...

    Who you are not:

    That should be easy.  Some people like to say they are not *some negative quality here*.  For example, I am not rude; I am not mean.  Some people like to say they are not like *some person they don't want to be like*.  For example, I am not like my brother/sister/parents.  Then explain what makes you not that quality or like that person.

  2. Are you pretty? Smart?  Industrious?  Creative? Sociable?  Talkative? Neat?  Athletic?  Careful?  

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