
What is this PVC pipe sticking up out of my lawn?

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We moved into a new home complete with a 6 inch black PVC pipe sticking about four inches straight up out of the ground on our tiny little front lawn. What the heck is this? Can I trim it down to be flush with the ground? When you look down it there are rocks and dirt and stuff in it so I don't think it's venting anything. Please help, thanks!!




  1. Its more then likely an inspection port for your drainage field. That is if you live out in the country. You can trim it then cover it, just don't fill it in.

  2. maybe just a drainage for when the house was being built. I would ask the builder. He would know if you can cut it down

  3. Does the pipe have a  single longitudinal line on it, and is it white? Are you sure it's PVC is it bendable? MDPE most likely. Does it have a wall thickness of about 4.5mm? Also has it been cut from one side (you will see the polyethelene burrs one way or has it been spirally sliced with a clean perfect 90 degree cut?

  4. It could be either a cleanout for waste line running to your septic tank or a vent pipe for your distribution box, or  vent for a dry well that your down spouts run into.

  5. Dudette!  Check in with your realtor, past homeowner or home inspector.  Do not alter it until you know its function.  It could be so many things,part of a cleanout system, or drain, or french drain to carry away excess water.

    If you do not have any of those resources, ask your new neighbors, who may need similar system for a local condtion, good luck!

  6. just rip it out, it's probably not important.

  7. ask your builder,  and make a list of other questions you may have so that you can ask him all at once.

  8. it probably is part of your septic tank the dirt and rocks are there to prevent solid waste rising out of it the pipe is there to prevent a methane build up in the tank

  9. Do you have a septic system instead of being connected to a sewer system?  If so, then it could be a vent for the septic tank.  Kinda weird for it to just be sticking up like that with no label tho.  If you have a septic system, then your water/sewer dept likely has the info you need about the location and when it was last pumped out, etc.

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