
What is this Spanish verb tense?

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In the verb 'hablar', for example, is there such a tense as 'hablare'? I mean with NO accent on the 'e'? (I know that with an accent it would be the future tense.) I seem to recall reading somewhere that it has a special use, but it was not mentioned when I studied Spanish at school.




  1. Perhaps you mean "hablara" which is the subjunctive form. For example

    Si yo hablara espanol como idioma materno, no tendria que estudiarlo en la escuela- If I were to speak Spanish as my naitve language, I wouldn't have to study it at school.

  2. Subjunctive is hable, conditional is hablaria, and as you say future hablare with the accent. I studied Spanish and I can't think of it, but it is 1:35am lol..

  3. Yes, it's Future Subjunctive.

    Yo hablare

    Tu hablares

    Ella/ el / usted hablare

    nosotras / nosotros habláremos

    vosotras/ vosotros hablareis

    ellas / ellos / ustedes hablaren

  4. It is the future subjunctive; the only time you are ever likely to hear it in modern Spanish is in the saying  "Cuando a Roma fueres haz lo que vieres" - "When in Rome,do as the Romans" (Literally: "When you go to Rome, do as you see")

    Other than that it is never used and that is probably why it was never mentioned at school. The present subjunctive is now used where the future subjunctive was required: eg: "Cuando vaya a España, comeré paella" - "When I go to Spain I will eat paella"

  5. It's the first/third person future subjunctive form.

  6. Yes, that´s a very unusual (an unused) Spanish tense: The Future Subjunctive

    yo hablare

    tu hablares

    el/ella hablare

    nosotros habláremos

    ustedes hablaren

    ellos/ellas hablaren

    In classic Spanish Literature, this tense was very used, but nowadays it is being replaced by the Present Subjunctive.

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