
What is this TIBOUCHINA Problem?

by Guest63179  |  earlier

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We have a Tibouchina in our garden and it does not look healthy.The hole main stem is dying at the top and there are large sections of thin and yellowing leaf branches.There is still new growth on the tree though.

What would cause this die back?

We are in Sydney and it is still winter but this started before winter.

I have posted some pictures on the link below.They are the best quality I could get.




  1. I have a tibouchina and we gave it a haircut a couple of years ago and now it looks better than ever and its been neglected ever since I live in Sydneys western suburbs,  You might like to call one of the gardening shows in the morning and ask the experts, Graham Ross on 2gb 131873 or Don Burke on 2ue 131332 they both start at 6am. They might be able to advise you on the best way to care for it.

    All the best.

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