
What is this about NHL rookies living with other players? Can't they live on their own?

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What is this about NHL rookies living with other players? Can't they live on their own?




  1. Well, they probably aren't playing in their home town, and they don't know that many people outside of the NHL.. So they might as well live with someone who they work with to get to know them better...

  2. some rookies wont always be on the roster for the full season its kind of pointless for them to buy a house since they may be going back and fourth from the team to the ahl.  Plus they cant always afford housing right away.  They have to find a place to buy and during the season there really isnt time.  Its just easier to stay with another team mate

  3. ^^^ what he said  ...and.............

    The vets just want them so they can catch the overflow of rapid horny puck bunnies.

  4. I know in Pittsburgh rookies stay with vets to help them aclimate to the area. so he doesn't have to find his own way around town, or to practices and the like, or to help a non-english (or Burgh) speaking rookie get used to the country and the language before pitching him out into the cruel world on his own. Most rookies stay the year or until they find their own place.

  5. I'm fairly certain that they have some kind of financial training (like the media training) to handle their money. So living with other people would the best way of doing so. Plus, who knows if you're going to have a career-ending injury the next game? Better to put some money aside (okay, A LOT of money aside), just in case.

  6. How good of an idea would it be for rookie players coming into millions of dollars to have a house of their own?  That's a big lifestyle change and I for one, as a 18-22 year old NHL rookie would be enjoying it a little too much.  Without somebody to keep them focused, they might lose sight of the game and focus more on the paycheck.  Not all players would, and I'd like to think I would only be focusing on the game that I love more than anything in the world, but when you are making nearly $5,000 or more per game, not including bonuses, endorsements, or other deals, you can't say that you would always do the right thing.  I think it's a way of a franchise protecting their investment and keeping the rookies in the game.  If you're living with a teammate then it keeps you in the "dorm/road game/we're only here to do one job and that is to play hockey" mentality.  Believe me, females alone take up a lot of time, especially at night when you should be sleeping, especially when you have money, and especially when you are an aspiring pro-athlete with money.

  7. Think of it this way.  You're hundreds, possibly thousands, of miles away from home.  You live in an area with which you aren't familiar.  You are young.  You're expected to peform in your job.  

    That's a lot of pressure.  Living with a veteran can avail some of that pressure.

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