
What is this aching pain on the left side above my waist line?

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I've noticed a aching pain on my left side when I walk or run. But when I am resting it doesn't hurt. It feels like the kind of cramp you get when you run but it hasn't gone away for about 4 days. I have tried coughing to see if anything bulges just in case its a hernia but nothing happens. Anyone know how to get the pain to go away or what might be wrong?




  1. Some hernias are very small and hard to detect yourself.  I would suggest you go and see a doc to make sure it isn't something other than a small hernia though.  

  2. I had several ideas:

    --have you had any constipation?  could be that

    --Do you have the pain anywhere else?  Usually the appendix is on the right side, and is accompanied by flu like symptoms

    --I doubt it is a kidney stone because that would be a sharp pain.

    --Could it be your ovaries?

    Okay..that's all the ideas I had lol

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