
What is this and how can I get rid of it? (Industrial)?

by Guest31980  |  earlier

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I got an industrial bar put in over a year ago, not in a very sanitary way (I know, stupid) but surprisingly, it didn't get infected. It wasn't until after I got an MRI in January that it got infected. (For those who don't know what an MRI is, it's like a giant body x-ray machine, but for muscles, not bones. It's magnetic, so they make you take out ALL metal on your body.) The lady rushed me, so I ended up just jabbing it back in when I was done, and then later I forgot to clean the piercing. About a week or so later, I developed this ball right next to the top hole. I've cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and a few different soaps, which has always worked before, but this time it hasn't gone away. It doesn't really hurt unless I poke it really hard, but I just don't like the sight of it there. There are a few pictures below. They're not that great, though. (my camera was having issues) A friend of mine suggested gently popping it with a needle and letting the pus seep out. (That's what she thinks is trapped under the skin.) I'm not sure if I should...can anyone help?








  1. Before jabbing or squeezing (as it can cause further infection) try placing lemon juice or Dr. Burts (Burts Bees) blemish stick on the affected area to help dry it up. This often helps, and apply often. If it doesn't start to clear up in a day or so, you can gently jab it with a needle sterilized in alcohol. Apply alcohol on the area afterward as well and then the lemon juice from that point on to help the healing process. Of course keep it clean.

  2. just recently i started getting these in random spots on my ears. its not near piercings or anything, and its so weird. sometimes if you scratch them, they fall off (ew), and sometimes it just really hurts. sorry i know im not helping, but id really like to know what they are too.

  3. All I can say is don't pop it until you are absolutely sure what it is.  My friend got her cartilage pierced a couple of years ago, but because of our grade school rules she had to keep taking it out, which caused a bump like that to form on the backside of her piercing.  It also got really infected too, and she still has the bump.  If anything, go see a doctor first to determine what it is.  Its most likely just an abscess, but you can never be too sure.  

  4. First off, don't pop it or put hydrogen peroxide on it anymore. This is hypertrophic scarring, it usually happens if the piercing is played with, tugged on, irritated or the jewelry itself is not well fitted. Obviously when you took out the jewelry and placed it back in roughly the scar tissue had build up into a boil looking bump. I usually get these myself on my tragus piercings, what you need to do is place warm sea salt compresses on it 2-3 times a day for 10mins and dab a little tea tree oil on the bump. It takes time to go down but eventually it will disappear in time. Here is a website where you can see for yourself in how to get rid of these and prevent them. The sight of them are horrible I know, but in order to get rid of it with out any more complications you have to be patient. There's no pus in these they mostly consist of tissue and blood. Good Luck

  5. I had the same problem with my first cartilage piercing a while back. Like your friend said, it was puss trapped under the skin. I didn't pop it with a needle though, I just held a warm wet cloth against it and some of it came out. I also squeezed some of the puss out myself, which surprisingly worked. I don't know if it's the best of methods but it worked for me.

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