
What is this animal in my yard? Picture link Included!?

by  |  earlier

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I love them, they are so cute, but I dont think they are gophers, they are really fat lol. They eat pears from my pear tree and look like they are atleasta foot long.




  1. Ground hogs, also known as woodchucks.  They will eat fruits and vegetables (and landscaping).  They are a large burrowing rodent, and even though you think they are entertaining, they can be incredibly destructive, particularly when their populations increase.

    Groundhogs will damage foundations of homes and outbuildings when they burrow underneath them.  They can also kill trees by burrowing around roots and are commonly trapped and killed on most farms, as they will destroy crops and tend to dig holes in pastures.  Horses, cows and other livestock risk breaking legs by stepping in burrows.

    If you're seeing ones about a foot long, sounds like they are still young.  I've seen mature groundhogs weighing in excess of 30 pounds!  I can't say I'm a fan and trap them routinely around here.  Watch for damage around your property!

  2. I think that is a Ground Hog. I have the same problem too. They love to eat my plants and stuff of my trees. You can probably set some traps and catch it, but then let it free in the woods. Hope this helped!  

  3. Oh, that is a ground hog.

    Here's a link to compare.

  4. its a ground hog...!

  5. aww cute!! I think they are Gophers too. You are lucky

  6. Then don't get rid of them! I used to have a ground hog in my back yard about a year and a half ago and I used to feed him my left overs until he got too fat to run away from the neighbors pitbull. Let's just say, he didn't make it.

  7. Ground hog.

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