
What is this big bump in my sisters mouth?

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My little sister, (only 6...poor thing) complained about toothaches, so we brought her to the dentist. She had a few really bad cavities, and we had to make an appointment in the city to get some teeth removed. Then a few days later the right side of her face puffed out SOOO bad, so I took her to the hospital, and they gave her some anti-biotics. Now today she said she has this big, and i mean big, sac type thing hanging off of her upper gums. It looks pretty gross, but theres no puss coming out of it...yet. Any thoughts on what this is and the best approach? Should I just leave it until it pops? Or what?




  1. SOMEBODY in your house is going to have to take some responsibility and help this girl learn to take care of her teeth by brushing AT LEAST 2 times a day, and getting her to the dentist for regular dental visits EVERY  6 MONTHS, getting the current cavities filled and then making sure her diet is good, and that means NO sodas, NO sport drinks, NO prepared juices, Just MILK and WATER and a good diet with eggs, meat, vegetables and such and NO JUNK FOOD and FAST food.....

    Otherwise you are DOOMING her to a life of poor oral health and dental DECAY!!!!

    This is a WAKE UP CALL, and hopefully SOMEONE will listen, she is only 6!! and a CHILD, some ADULT needs to take care of this!!!

    And for the the DENTIST!!!

  2. Do not pop it. It sounds like infection coming out. I assume she has an abscessed tooth and that's why they gave her an antibiotic first. She should have an appointment to go back soon. Make sure she doesn't miss her appointment. Poor little thing. It may be a good idea to call the dentist and let them know about this abscess that is on her gum line. This can be a serious thing so please get it taken care of.

  3. I would say it's an abscess, the antibiotics might clear it up but if it doesn't you should ring the dentist and tell him about it and ask if the best thing to do would be to bring the appointment forward, whatever happens don't let it get worse, it will be very painful for her and if it bursts and gets infected it could be a big problem.  

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