
What is this bird (orange fan tail, kind of rounded wings, the border of wings is darker, brownish?

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stands hawkishly?

I live in bay area, cali, and I just thought it might not be a red tailed hawk because it's tail isn't red. it's also a bit smaller and makes one of those sounds you know you hear in movies before, like a whistle, 2 main notes, second one lower in pitch

and what are some birds that look like robins but aren't?




  1. red tail hawk

    Their tail isn't red but a rusty orange color and they also have the dark border on their wings as well

    Also, red tails have another  distinctive mark, a dark band across their chest

    birds that look like robins, try a varied thrush, image:  

  2. im thinking your hawk could be a harris, not sure about the other as im from the uk & not familiar with your birds

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