
What is this burning sensation in my stomach??

by  |  earlier

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i know and i have no doubt that it is not any illness but is more of an emotional thing.. what can it be though.. it is really bothering me because i feel like it is telling me something. could it be that mybe i'm missing some one or thinking of some one.?? have you ever experienced it? thx.




  1. your hungry

  2. Yes, I think I know what you're talking about. I also think you know that it IS possibly you are missing someone or maybe feeling insecure about a relationship. You describe it as a "burning" feeling; I feel it more like an empty, yearning, nervous feeling. I think it's the same kind of thing though. Not a great feeling!

    Hang in there. (sometimes it just helps to cry and get rid of some of those pent up emotions...)

  3. Burning in the stomach?

    The only time that happens to me is when I'm drinking something fermented.  I don't have many emotions in my stomach.  Maybe it's different for you, I don't know.

    Well, if you think it's telling you something... wait a bit longer and listen.

  4. Or you could have gas.

  5. Anxiety disorder. Simple answer i know but it can stem from many sources of emotional stress and can cause many common symptoms that are misinterpreted so proper action is not taken to treat the issue. Go to the doctor if you are at all concerned for your physical or emotional health.  

  6. constipation.

    ...or ur in love. they basically feel the same... lousy.

  7. Voodoo doll?

  8. It could be that you have an excess of acid in your stomach, and that is causing the uncomfortable burning sensation. When you get heartburn, you could take Milk of Magnesia or Maalox or other antacids to relieve the pain.

    Or, it might be stress causing this response in your body.

    If it continues, you should probably see a doctor, just to make sure that everything's alright. And they could probably give you something to help the pain. :)

  9. You swallowed a warhead. Don't worry. It will go right though you. Jk. I have experienced that before and I think that it is what you eat. That sometimes happens to me and it burs and I get a stomach ache. I don't think you should worry about it. :) If it i an emotional thing, I would think about what you talked about today and yesterday and if you have a planner look in it and see if you are missing anything.

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