
What is this buzzing insect?

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There are insects outside my house that buzz all day. Not at night. It's a very loud monotone buzzing and whatever bug it is likes to sit in the lilac bush at the start of my driveway. Only one bug makes the sound at a time, such a loud sound from a little bug!! Today I walked by the bush and heard that the bug was there (as the noise became deafening as I approached the bush) and I saw the bug. It was very large (in comparison to a fly) and had huge wings, almost as long as its body. I shook the bush and the bug flew away (but first into my hair and arm). I think it might be a Cicada, but I listened to a sound clip and their buzzing is not as monotone as what I hear. I suppose it probably is a cicada, but I was hoping someone might have another idea for me. I live in Oregon too, if that helps.




  1. It's definatly a cicada. There are different kind s of cicadas with different buzzing sounds.

    Here in Massachusetts the most common species (dogday harvestfly) has a buzz that sounds like electrical tension wires, and 17year cicadas from the midwest and south have a raspy stacato sound. One Australian species sounds like a sonic boom.

    Check soundclips of various local species, you will find one that matches

  2. You are probably correct in that the insect you described is a cicada - see source .


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