
What is this called and how would I do it.

by  |  earlier

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When someone rolls back onto their upper back/shoulder pushes off with their hands and lands on their feet.

I can do it on something like a bed or trampoline but can't get it on solid ground.

Do I need to use more force with my arms or what?




  1. Actually, it would be more helpful if you used your abs as well as your arms, I wouldn't advise doing it on hard ground though, that could hurt your back, try it on a mat first.

  2. use all of your muscles you can it will give you enough force..the hard part is the landing lol carpet or a mat first though it hurts horribly otherwise

  3. The main thing is abs, arms and momentum in your legs. Kick your legs as hard as you can for momentum and jump at the same time with your abs and arms.

  4. Its called a Kip Up. Your legs give out the most momentum and abs help out with the flip. Your Arms can also assist with the momentum too as they swing foward

  5. When you push your self up you need to tuck your legs in as quickly and as tight as possible, this will give you more time to rotate and land on your feet. :-)

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