
What is this called and what is the meaning of it?

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For me the "paranormal" is not really anything other than the normal. My mother and sister are both able to see spirits. My mother has told us how she used to play with angels when she was a little girl and has told us many times of visions she had of future events (she foretold my grandmothers death and the exact circumstances before it to the tiniest detail). Now to my question, when I still in primary school I used to be able to do dowsing, (look for water etc). Now I am 23 and it doesn't work anymore. I was also able to break off pieces of cloud by looking at them and make them disappear bit by bit. I can still do this, but not as well as I could back then, what is the meaning of this?




  1. I have that ability too!

    I can take an ice cube out of the freezer, put it in a glass, and make it melt by staring at it.

  2. dont listen to them.  They've cut themselves off from anything spiritual or magickal.  You dont have to be running around in a spacy imagination land to believe in the etheric side of the universe we live in.  Im a very rational person.  But, our human energy is capable of things most of us do not understand.  I can make the wind blow.  

  3. It means you are eating too much flour based products, stop eating it, do you know how many additives are in flour?  

  4. It's called a vivid imagination.It could mean a break with reality.

  5. You believe you have "god"-like powers.


  6. How can you prove you made a minute piece of cloud disappear?

    Do you think your "gift" has more influence over nature, like possibly the sun removing the moisture from the cloud?

    I was going to rationalize that maybe the reason you don't see these things happen as often as when you were a kid is because you don't have a parent standing around influencing you into believing you have a gift for dowsing, cloud play, foretelling the future, and so forth.

    Parents have a great influence over who we become as adults. And when a parent is leading their kid to believe they have supernatural powers, it seems more like brainwashing than parenting.

    And just what is an engineering qualification? Does that mean you are short a few credits of a degree?

  7. You have certain gifts which help you to connect and control nature...don't try to overanalyse it, just enjoy it (you know, go with the flow)....

    P.S. Meditation helps to open and strengthen the gifts even more...  

  8. I think you may need to see a doctor. These things you are seeing do not sound normal.  

  9. You and your family all have fantastic imaginations, do you find if you stare at the traffic lights for a long time you can make them change colors too?

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