
What is this coming out of my v****a???

by Guest66556  |  earlier

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On the 23rd of Augest, I started having this brown discharge with a bad odor. It wasn't p**p, although I thought it was at first. I went to my mom for help, and she said it is probably the start of my period.

When I do no physical activity, the discharge is very little, but then yesterday and today when I got home from a really big tennis workout, It came out alot.

I also get these sticky clumps in my v****a. I think it's clots of blood, and they appear darker than the brown discharge that I have. Is this normal?

Also, How long is this brown discharge going to last?? I've had it for 3-4 days already.

btw, I'm a virgin, i'm only 15 years old, and I feel no itching, burning, or pain if that helps.

Also, I've been constapated since this brown discharge started.

And this might be my first period...EVER. so I don't wear tampons, just pads.




  1. Yup sounds like your period. Brown discharge is very normal for your period, even lumps of blood is normal too. you are around that age to get your period, too. Check it out if you are too worried!

  2. Yep!  This is your period.  Having brown discharge is totally normal.  The clumps are clots of blood, you are correct.  That is also totally normal for your period (although kind of gross, I know!)

    It is also normal to be constipated during your period, so make sure you eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water to help with that.  It is normal as well for your period to get heavier when you exercise.

    Sounds like a normal, standard period to me!  :)

  3. Relax your mom is probably right if you are still worried though get her to take you to the doctor.

    The exercise thing is normal or at least in my experience.

  4. Sounds like your first period, don't worry everyone who's a girl gets them, it will take some time to get used to and if you get cramps and stomach pain it's natural during your period you can get pills to relieve the pain if it becomes unbearable, it should only last a few more days.

  5. it's a total normal things to girl. u're juz having ur period. wat happened to u is totally da same like mine. dun wori. u're a big girl now. congratulations :)

  6. It sounds very much like "old blood", which means blood that may have pooled around your cervix or in your v****a before it came out, therefore turning brown.  Exercise will definitely cause more vaginal contractions, which will cause more of this old blood to come out.

    With your first period, it's common to see a lot of brown blood because everything is just getting started and some people don't typically bleed a lot on their first period.  Because the blood amount is minimal, it does sometimes pool around your cervix.

    It's definitely not something to worry about unless it has a foul odor.  You probably should just wear a panty liner until it comes out heavier.

  7. you should go to your doc to find out what it might be.

  8. its just the behinning or end of the period cycle. you are probably a light flower and so the blood drys up before it comes out. dont worry, this is normal. and it helps alot to use teen tampons. this will stop the odor and the browning of your blood.

  9. It sounds like it might be the start of your period but i would go and get it checked out just incase.. hope everything turns out ok xx

  10. Yep, your a young women now, My period started the same way when i was about 12. It will start to change in color every month becoming a little more red in color.  No need to panic it's  just mother nature calling! Be thankful that you didn't have any cramping! yuck!

  11. The brown discharge you’re describing sounds like the very end of some menstrual periods, when there may be just a tiny bit of blood still leaving the uterus. It takes longer for this blood to leave the body, so there is time for a chemical process known as “oxidation” to turn the red color to brown. This blood may also be mixed in with the normal vaginal discharge.

    I wouldn’t worry if this lasts for 4 or 5 days at the end of your period. It will probably stop happening within the first couple of years of your periods starting. (Remember, that’s when your menstrual cycle is still getting regulated.) However, if your period itself (that is, bright red bleeding) lasts longer than 7 days on a regular basis, or more than 10 to 14 days even once, I suggest you consult a doctor.

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