
What is this creature,do you think it could be real,...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes its real, photoshop

    the design of the creature looks very familiar (like creatures that are used on comicbooks and films,

  2. no it is not real it is made up.

  3. It might be some kind of bird, so it could be real.

  4. About 20 seconds in, there appears to be a straight line artifact in the picture extending up from the bottom of the frame to the supposed creature. It's very faint but it's there. I think this is caused by a kite string. There's no reason to think this is not a kite.

  5. Call the army,phone the airforce we have to shoot this oversized alien chook from our skies before it drops some rotten egg bombs.LoL

  6. Ahh the Aswang.  Taken from filipino mythology, it is said to be a shapeshifting creature that feeds on humans.

    I don't know where the legend comes from, or any specific stories about them.

    I would say that IF they do exist, they probably are nocturnal and wouldn't be out in broad daylight unless it was absolutely necessary.

    All that being said, I think this is a bat that has been enlarged with a program like photoshop. :)

  7. Looks like a kite, at one part it looks like a string is attached, and that's why it's at that angle. But it looks awesome lol. And I don't think a demon or the "Aswang" would show itself in the middle of the day, if it was real.

  8. it looks fake. i think they where trying to make it look like a Teradactile

  9. its the elusive kite creature, usually found in small dwellings on a street, can take to the air in a 60 secomds ( if the string does not get tangled)

  10. In my opinion, it looked like a kite.

    But with today's technology in digital imagery in photographs, I wouldn't be surprised it was something digitally altered into the picture.

  11. no it isn't

  12. It's a Thunderbird!

    It's the Mothman!

    .. It's a KITE!

    If you look closely, it has a rather boxy appearance. I didn't see a string, but it is definitely a kite.

  13. It looks like a kite to me.

  14. A real what ? Kite ?  

    However, if you look into the clouds in the background, there are faces appearing as you get closer !!

  15. It is a BAT!!

    a dead one

    probably hanged from a string

  16. No way. It looks like a pregnant gargoyle.

  17. gargoyle but i don't believe in those but it looks like one

  18. Its a kite

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