
What is this cult thing were they rescued all these teen girls in Texas...what is that? is it a religion....?

by  |  earlier

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...what do they believe in. i heard they make their own cloths and eat fruits and veggies they grown them selfs. Are they not allowed to go to the store and did their parents put them in there?




  1. It is members of Latter Day Saints... Mormons that practice Paligamy... meaning taking multiple spouses... typically one man and several wives.

    As with any religion, Christians too... ie: Jim Jones, David Koresh, this group has taken their religion to its extreme. Even breaking the law....

    In order to practice their beliefs in private, they live in a commune type of environment, cutting off most all contact with the outside world. Even to the point of making all their own clothing and foodstuffs.

    Likely they are born into the communes, and grow up there. Now and then someone recognizes that... well, this just isn't right or wants to get out, and it sometimes takes tragic events before anyone else knows what is happening there.

  2. its a pseudo mormon cult sect. one of thousands of sects that brain washes small groups of people to benefit themselves

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