
What is this disgusting stuff?

by  |  earlier

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I left a white hot chocolate from Starbucks sitting out on my desk for almost two weeks, and now a clear liquid has seeped out of the cup. There isn't much of it and it's a little thicker than water. It smells and tastes exactly like vomit.




  1. You drank it :S



  2. Its the milk curdling turning into cheese :)

    And I cant believe you tasted it - lol


  3. wow you make sound so dirty

  4. basically all the sediment has settled at the bottom and the water base and all the other substance and additives are seeping from the cup.  it smells bad because the milk has probs gone sour and the ingredients have been left out and been invaded by bacteria.

  5. You tasted it?  Brave woman!  Its the curdled milk fluid (with the solids removed) plus all of your little bacteria friends who enjoyed all the sugar in that hot chocolate.  

    Bin it.  It might have been expensive, but its not worth a trip to the ER to finish it.  

  6. its milk, just really really gross milk

  7. only god knows what that is. just pour it in the garbage

  8. It's probably the whey which has separated from the milk and turned sour.

  9. LOL    that was smart to taste it... come on over I left a Deer liver  out this past two weeks in my yard     tell me what it tastes like....       OK OK I am sure it is some thing from the Chocolate  

  10. you left a drink on your desk for 2 weeks and you can tell us it tastes like vomit? Are you nuts? eww...

    moldy milk drinks will make you sick every time.

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