
What is this expiration date code?? I need to know ASAP please! Thank you! I'll pick a best answer TODAY1

by  |  earlier

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Hi! I'm trying to use some canned pumpkin that I probably bought like a year or two ago, and it has no expiration date, only this code:



I'm not sure if the two 0s are zeros or letters... but that's all that it says for an expiration date. What does that mean? It's definitely not 1953 either..... Like I said, I just bought it 1 or 2 years ago. Thanks so much! I'll pick a best answer today!!




  1. thats not the expiration date. bring can to store and ask them to show

    you where the expiration date is. that is the packaging code that doesnt mean  anything to your benefit.

  2. I doubt that because it is canned it would be expired. But don't risk it. Buy a new can. There could be mold hidden in the soup. Besides how expensive could a can be? lol

  3. There is no expiration date on the can. That is the code that the company uses. I believe that you should open the can (if you haven't done so) and c if thers ani molds... if ther is... DONT EAT IT!!! if you dont c mold... i suppose if you take your risk... eat it? but i suppose you to dont do so... you might as well buy a new can... does it cost much?

  4. 6130 is the packaging date

    6 = year = 2006

    130 means the day of the year so around April.

    Anyway April 2006 is too old.

    We use the same lot code numbers at work.


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