
What is this fear called?

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Fear of going the distance when it comes to acknowledging my full potential?

I have gone all the way in the past and was able to push myself to go far and actually go all the way but then in recent years it's changed, but this is how ive felt for a long time..

I have this drive to do the best I can but then when I finally get major acknowledgement and praise or offered a larger award I have a fear that comes over me that prevents me from going further.

A part of me says I don't have to go any further, i'm good enough already and then another part of me is afraid of letting people down if I go further even though they want me for the award or position,

I also start thinking what if I let them down now that they are finally depending on me fully.




  1. could this be fear of failure? if you don't go all the way, you haven't really put your ability on the line - if you fail it is because you have not made an effort rather than that you were unable. People tend to prefer to fail because they didn't try than because they couldn't do something.

    I have this, can't really tell you how to fix it other than to persist - to consciously override the part of you that wants to stop and just keep going.

  2. Lack of motivation or ambition. Or fear of failure? Or lower risk threshold, or low self esteem. There could be one of many causes for this. It is not a phobia, as such.

  3. It could be achievement anxiety.

    Defined as "a persistent, abnormal, and unwarranted fear of success, achievement or moving forward in life".

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