
What is this feeling!10 POINTS BEST ANSWER?

by Guest59433  |  earlier

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Today I went into school with new items and a whole new outfit and I got to chorus and I saw (Jeff) and all I could do was look @ him

what should I do should I tell him something




  1. Aww, you have a crush. =)

    Does he look at you? Does he stutter at you? Or try to be with you sometimes? Then he might like you too! It's pretty hard to tell sometimes if a guy likes you too because they are so difficult, lol. Sure, you can tell him how you feel. =)

    Good luck!

  2. I don't know Jeff or what he is in your life, but no...don't say anything. See how long that feeling lasts whenever you see him. Then maybe somewhere down the line, talk to him about it.

  3. I would walk up to him and ask him a question!  ANYTHING!  For example- hey, do you know if were preforming anytime soon?  You will feel so proud of yourself for talking to him, the feeling will just get stronger!  I know from expirence beacuse there's this really hot guy in my band class and I just stare at him the whole class!  Good luck with Jeff!

  4. A crush! Listen to Mandy Moore's song Crush. Anyway, you just have a crush. A simple crush. Don't say anything to him at first. Give it a couple weeks. And when you do say something, make sure you don't sound crazy. Like don't say something like this," Hi Jeff. My name is (whatever your name is). I'm in your chorus class and I've been looking at you forever." That would sound a little stalker'ish'. (LOL!) Just say hi and get to know him first. Become friends and then you'll know if you really truly like him. And if you do end up liking him here's an idea for a confession, "I really like our friendship and I want us to be moe than friends if that's okay with you". It might sound a little cheesy but it works. But hope and pray he makes the first move because you know what you'll say if he asks you. And you nevr know what he'll say i you ask him. Nobody likes awkward silence. It scares me to death. LMAO!

    Good Luck!

  5. get to be friends then see how you are feeling. if you have feelings for him then let him know when the time feels right.

    Dont rush=]

  6. awww i no the feeling! well first wait a litl bit b4 u say anything about how u like him... but in the mean time try to talk to him and maybe flirt a litl and just try to b all nice and cute if he does the same thing i wud say tell him about ur feelings for him

  7. its called lust, or puppy love, go talk to him, maybe he feels the same back and ask you out!

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