
What is this fish? pleco?

by  |  earlier

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went to pets at home today to get a pleco, i ask the if they had any and to get me one, he took what looked like a plec out of a tank labled 'algae eaters' i paid and left. now on closer inspection I'm not to sure if its a plec (this is the second time they have given me the wrong fish!) it has brownish leopard like markings and two long whiskers and a few smaller ones, comparing it to pics on the net its body looks pretty similar to a plec apart from the whiskers, also its mouth is quite small. any ideas???




  1. Actually, your fish is most likely an Ancistrus. Ancistrus, or bristlenose plecos, have whiskers, and look like plecos. They are not at all aggressive, and don't get as big as common plecos, which is good.  

  2. Hi this depends on the type of plec it is. There are several different types an depending on the type you buy will depend greatly on the cost aswell. A common plec as a baby will cost around £1.45 where as a spacific species can cost £60-£70+.

    There would be too many different types of plec in regards to colour an shape to give you a full list. A good place for you to look would be Google as this might be able to give you more pictures, an give you a greater list of species.

    Hope this is some help......

  3. you really should take it back because its not a pleco and go to a different fish store

  4. Sounds like a pleco - I have one almost identical to how you described yours

  5. sounds like one, but the whiskers could make it a small catfish they basicly do the same thing

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