
What is this girl doing?

by  |  earlier

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So long story short I met this girl a while back at a competition. We dated once and that lasted about 2 weeks and she dumped me. Apparently I was too nice? If there is such a thing, but she just text me yesterday what I was up to and stuff like that. Well now me and her are going to eat out in her town which is an hour away. By the way we last dated about 3 months ago. We flirt and I make her laugh and she calls me sweet, stuff along those lines. So, my question is does she like me or is she just wanting to hang out?





  2. well for starters dont be an a$$hole, but be a little meaner so she doesnt think she can walk all over. i cant stand when guys are overly nice.  there has to be something she likes about you though if shes talking to you again, maybe shes hoping your just not as nice.........make her feel like you have other options to  

  3. she may like u hard to say;...

  4. At the end of this meeting if you don't get any signals she's attracted to you, I would seriously say to her..."You do realize I'm not g*y right...I find you attractive and wouldn't mind having a relationship with you, but if you just want me as a friend, I have to tell you it just hurts too much."  If you're not comfortable saying the "g*y" word you can omit that!  Girls do this all the time, and I wonder if they know  how much they're stirring things up, but feel safe that you're not going to hit on them....when in reality you really want to hit on them!  Stop being nice d**n it!!!!!

  5. Its hard to tell. I am guessing that she has no one to hang out with anymore so she is using you. I mean what is the chance she wants to hang out  after dumping you!

    sorry for the harshness

  6. ey watsup man been through this before even though im only 15 trust me dude ,it seems like maybe she realizes now how nice u were and how much she wants that bak. Im pretty sure she dont jus wanna hang out unless shes completly flat out said that.But ifnot she wants u bak but make her wait only a little while and if she mentions it jus be like yeah possibly but we should wait a little and make her want u more and more and then after like 2 or 3 times just getting together hook back up again

  7. Wow, you are too nice, you are driving an hour to see a person who dumped you after two weeks of dating.  Hunny, she is looking for a quick hook-up.  Unless that's what you want, to be her booty-call, don't drive all that way to see her - plus with the cost of gas, really she should just hire someone.

  8. WELL SOUND LIKE YOU NEED TO GET THINGS STRAIGHT AND A NEW GITRLFRIEND SURRY:( OR MABEY SHE IS JUST BOard and wants to use you surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryy... reaaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyyyy i ammmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. you never know until you ask bud

  10. you should be asking her, not people that you don't even know!

  11. Sounds like shes keeping her options open and you are one of her options.

  12. When she dumped you the first time she probably didnt notice how much of a goof guy you were, yea she said u were to nice maybe she thought that u were wierd or something by being to nice. But now, I think she relaized how much of a good personality you have, and how different you are from other guys. This is typically normal, It must really mean something If she came back to you!!! Thats a good sign. This relationship could go a long way. But dont you make another move until she does.. If she wants to be friends for NOW...then be her very very best friend.. OK! GOOD LUCK


  13. Sounds like she is desperate.  It doesn't take 3 months to realize you like someone

  14. it could be either,but it mostly depends oh how well the whole "date" thing goes...don't complement her too much,because she might think you too nice again...but just don't worry about least she wants to be near you

  15. She definitly likes youu.

    I think you should talk to her.

    That's a VERY good thingg.


  16. It sounds like she really likes you. When girls say that you are sweet then they are trying to hint that they like you. If you don't realize that then the girl will keep complimenting you until you get the idea that she likes you. As for why you guys broke up earlier, I think that she may not have been ready for the relationship and was saying that you were too nice as a cover so that she would not hurt your feelings. I really hope that everything works out between you two!

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