
What is this happening by my house?

by  |  earlier

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My family thinks it might be something to do with a cult, like animal sacrificing?! But ok so there are 3 piles, and they are each about the same distance apart. Probably half a mile to a mile. And in each pile every part and every (dead) animal is so organized. Here is the pattern:

There is 4 young cow legs cut off at the knee laid all in an even row, and on either side is a black bag but I don't know the contents. And next to the bag on the right of the legs is an animal that looks like a dog or fox, with just the skull. Right above that is either a baby goat or a lamb, but it's legs are perfectly spread apart. And then another bag above that.

That's how every single pile is! And if someone were to just dump off dead animals they wouldn't take the time to organize them that perfect and have them equal distances apart, right?

What could this could be?!




  1. where they there when you bought the place or did they just appear.

    cuz thats creepy

  2. I saw the same thing close to where i live except it was cats dogs raccoons and oppossums They had the body parts layed out in a....i guess you can say a design or pattern. Then there was a black bag not to far from all of this. I couldnt bare to open it and see whats inside. There was a skull head of a small animal, like a oppossum or a raccoon nailed to the tree. I was so disgusted that i wanted to puke. I saw this a few times, then it just stopped. Im guessing they just moved to a different area. I would definitely say you have a satanic cult that does animal sacrafices. It probably wont go on for to long. They will probably move on to a different area so they dont get into any trouble with said authorities. So hopefully it doesnt last much longer. Even though itll most likely start happening somewhere else. I really wish you luck. And even more luck for the animals that these sickos are doing this sick **** to.

  3. let me ask you this.......

    where the **** do you live???

  4. one word MOVE

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