
What is this homeopathic practice called?

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There was this lady that was a friend of my mom's, they lost contact.. but she did this thing where you lay down and she holds your arm, whenever she says "push" you push your arm foreward, sometimes you can push, sometimes you can't, your body won't let you.. she like comunicates with your body, and helps you to heal things or ailments that are wrong with you.. in the sense that past experiences and stresses in your life, lead to physical problems that you have as you get older.. i really would like to know what this practice is called.. if you have any info or know what it is called, please let me know, thank you so much..




  1. it sounds like reiki, which i practice. except i dont use that particular physical method, but i know a fellow practicioner that does.

    my email is if you want any specific info id be happy to help

  2. It's muscle testing, or kinesiology. It is unrelated to homeopathy.

  3. It's called muscle testing or applied kinesiology

    Mostly it is naturopaths that do it, but lots of other Alties use it after taking a weekend course.  They claim that if you have toxins or parasites, they can diagnose this by seeing if your muscles are weak.

    There is no scientific evidence for this practice at all.  Basically the tester pushes harder or less hard in order to "confirm" the diagnosis of the treatment he wants to put you on.

    It is complete and utter hogwash.  It has nothing to do with Reiki or Homeopathy.

  4. First it's not homeopathic - which involves taking little white milk pills.

    What you are talking about sounds a lot like Applied Kinesiology, which is something a lot of Chiropractors do (unfortunately I think but you can't tell them otherwise) which involves "challenging" the nervious system by pushing on a persons arm to see what makes them weaker or stronger.

  5. Energy therapy perhaps?

  6. That isn't homeopathy.  (What you may be thinking of is "holistic medicine.")

    Applied Kinesiology was invented by a chiropractor, but it isn't practiced by the majority of chiropractors.  A recent study states that of all patient visits to chiropractors, AK (defined by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners as merely "a system of muscle testing used to augment traditional examination procedures") is used on approximately one patient in ten.

    AK is, however, gaining popularity among herbalists and naturopaths.

  7. It's muscle testing a/k/a applied kinesiology a/k/a the power of suggestion.

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