
What is this huge bump on the back of my hand?

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It has been there for a little over a year. At times it almost disappears, and at others it protrudes about a half inch above the back of my hand, and my wrist and entire hand hurt so much I can't use them. I have heard that it may be a cyst of some sort, but I am unfamiliar about the particulars of it. Can anyone shed some light on this?




  1. go to the doctors dude.

  2. It is called a ganglion cyst.   They are harmless, however if you have alot of pain with it or bothered by it, the doctor ccan "pop" it for you.  They ususally crush it with their hands--they use extreme force and it hurts like crazy!!!! They can also drain it, but the chances that it will come back are great.  I have had one for four years-coming and going-it's in the "going" stage now, but it just doesn't bother me so i ignore it.  I have been to the doctor about this--that is how i know this stuff.  I thought it was cancer or something at first--please don't worry!

  3. why are you putting up with the pain and discomfort for over a year? get the doctor to remove the d**n thing, and then your problems will be over.  

  4. It's a cyst, most likely is benign but you should get it removed if it bothers you.  It will not go away on its own.  

  5. It is most likely a cyst. Get it checked out to be sure, but you should be fine. I have one on my hand/wrist area that comes back from time to time. The thing my doc told me is that if its inflamed, leave it alone and it'll eventually go away. Don't poke at it or push on it. You can get cysts just about anywhere and they are almost always benign, which means they won't cause any harm.

  6. A ganglion cyst can cause some pain. It can be removed with a procedure in the office. Do not smash it. If it isn't bugging you, leave it alone. They usually go away as mysteriously as they happen.

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