
What is this in the sky?

by  |  earlier

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Early in the month of May, a large blue rectangular object was seen in the sky in Europe. It was being followed/examined by helicopters.

What is this?




  1. A banner, like the ones the banner airplanes tow.

  2. That's a banner being towed by a couple of helicopters. I can't see what might be printed on it, but I'm certain that's what it is. The only other possibility is that it's a photoshopped image. It doesn't seem likely as the banner doesn't really look out of place. I've seen similiar banners, and they all look about like that, though this one seems to be catching more wind than usual.

  3. It looks like a helicopter pulling a banner off in the distance.

  4. hmmm...

    only a UFO if the "F" stands for "Falling" or "Flapping"

  5. looks like a parachute

  6. With 100% certainty, I can say it is a promotional banner being towed by a helicopter. They will probably be towing it over a city, sports event or large gathering of people.

  7. it looks like a very large flag?

  8. Probably a Flag or kight or a mark made by the camera. No big deal I guess.

  9. Looks like a defect in film or on the print to me.

  10. No idea what that is. I can't identify it. so to me it's unidentified. Hey, it's one of those unidentified flying objects. What do they call those things?  OH yeah. ITS A UFO.

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