
What is this lump inside my ear lobe?

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I felt it last night, its on my left ear lobe, but the funny part is if you look at my ear, theres no sign of a bump or a pimple of some sort, but if you feel it, it feels like a lump inside and it hurts. I know its not a piercing infection due to the fact that Ive had these ears pierced since I was 9 and I am now 19 and I never once had problems with them, but its actually not in the hole of my piercing, its right next to it. I cant seem to figure out what this is, I hope I dont need some sort of surgery for this! Any ideas? Thanks




  1. It's definitely a cyst. I had one in that very same place. I also have pierced ears. Does it hurt when you press on it? Mine did also. You don't need to do anything to treat it, it'll go away eventually.

  2. could be scar tissue since its next to a piercing.  I have this next to mine also.

  3. its probably a sebaceous cyst. Not a big deal. Apply heat on it using a washcloth and it should go away in about a week or less.

  4. i have had them before and it turns out that it was a big white head.... u need to try to pop it if you can... if it doesnt go away, you should have it looked at by a doctor....

  5. treat it like a zit and if it doesnt go away ina week go 2 da docter

  6. It's a keloid. It's common, painless, and harmless. A lot of people get them where piercings are. Something like scar tissue. Not harmful.  

  7. i get these all the time. its normal . you  just have to clean it everydy with alcohol and dont touch it or try to pop it. it will just get larger. when you touch it the bacteria grows. t should go away in 2 days if you clean it often  

  8. Could be an infection

    Go to a doctor

  9. Probably just scar tissue from the piercing. I can feel lumps in my earlobes too.

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