
What is this lump on my neck? please help!?

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i have noticed a lump on my collarbone and it's like the size of a golf ball? what is it? i'm going to the doctors after but what do you think he will do? iv,e had a cold and lost my voice a little so i think i might just have swollen glands (lymph nodes) and that i have an infection in them? i'm a 21 year old women. thank you




  1. Nobody can tell you what it is without inspecting it. The doctor will do a pressure test (he will poke it), and may take a blood sample.

    I once had a lump behind my ear which was a small cist and the doctor could see this by just looking at it.

  2. Could be glands or a fatty lump , nothing to worry about ,make sure you do go to doctor though to put your mind at rest

  3. Its a golf ball. You must have swallowed it.

  4. Sounds like Mono to me.

    OoOOOr it could be a sist (i dno how you spell that ha)

    Seeing a doctor either way is wise.

  5. if its in the front part of your neck, then it probably is your glands. but i have known 2 guys who had a golf ball size knot on their neck. it ended up being a cyst. they got it cut off and drained. then it was fine. but sometimes they come back. but its nothing life threatening.  

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