
What is this married man up to?

by  |  earlier

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There is a guy in my office that is married and he and his wife just had a baby. He talks about his wife all the time and talks very highly of her. He said me and his wife have a lot in common and has been very talkitive about their relationship. Right now, my boyfriend and I are having problems and he said if I wanted to talk sometime, like over lunch or "whatever", he would talk with me cause he and his wife have gone through their problems in their marriage. He is very flirty and I feel an energy between us. Is he just being very friendly or is their an agenda?




  1. sounds like he is just trying to be nice... if he gets touchy feely then  you know he has different intentions... I had a married man with one child start working out with me at a gym and he would find any reason to touch me I no longer talk with  him

  2. Trust your feelings.  He might be trying to help you but if you get a feeling that he is flirty, act on good judgment and back away.  He could just be friendly, but are you?

  3. He just want to help you.He wants to be your friend.

  4. It's amazing how the answerer to this question that said that the men is not flirting was given thumbs down.

    Personally, you shouldn't think both ways, hidden agenda or not. Just remember the boundaries between you too. In fact, why don't you write things that you shouldn't do with him, and then carefully reject his offer if those things happen.

    I'm only here for the 2 points though.

  5. well i would go once and see, but not make it an ongoing thing because it can turn into something bad  

  6. Lunch couldn't hurt anyone just be discreet remember he has a new baby at home.

    If you're not on the pill use protection

  7. It sounds like no good will come of this.  You should probably ignore him as much as you can.

  8. This is tricky. It could be that this married man really is just very friendly. It could also be that after his wife has just had a baby, he is seeking attention elsewhere. It's a dangerous situation, and I would suggest that you avoid it if at all possible. Keep any conversation with him contained to the office - don't go out with him alone. You have to draw a line somewhere.  

  9. I would say he is just being friendly, and that your just being paranoid.if he speaks highly about his wife, i would say your reading more into the situation than their is.Are you sure that its not hope rather than suspicion?  

  10. You are asking the question beccaue it "feels" to you like more than just office friends, right?  Trust your gut and assume he has other things in mind.  You can still go of you want...just to see, but decide beforehand if you are interested in something more or "whatever"  as he puts it.  Don't put yourself in an uncomfortable situation if youre not sure you know how to get out of it.  

  11. Everything sounded good till you said that he is very flirty.  That is very counter to a man who really thinks so highly of his wife and has worked through his own marital problems.  If he is being flirty then I don't think you can trust him and should stop hanging out with him as much as possible.

  12. Well, it seems like he's just being friendly.

    Don't always under-estimate men,

    There not all lying, cheating dogs.


  13. I know your going to get all lots of the yes he has a agenda but he might or might not. Helping others is just in some peoples nature and he could be geniue with his offer with no alternative motive. If you feel like talking with him and getting some possible incite go for it just keep in mind that a alter motive might exist and do not get involved beyond a friendly ear.

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