
What is this modified pentagram?

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I found this image and I recognize the symbol in the top right hand corner but can't remember where I saw it. Can anyone identify it?

I found it on a site about HP Lovecraft.




  1. its called the  Necronomicon gate

    the design originated from HP lovecraft, and its on the cover of Necronomicon, which is a fictitious book which appears in lovecrafts books.

  2. the first answer is correct. ir is a ficticious symbol created by H.P. Lovecraft and used in his Necrinomican. which was a ficticious book written as an aid to his Cuthulu mythos.

    Lovecraft fans mantain that the book was actually part of a bet that he made with a friend of his. Saying that he could write a religion and have people out there willing to follow it.

    for several years he actually refused to acknowledge that the book existed.

  3. the whole scroll is a form is summoning scroll the pent is modified for summoning. it is in the necronomicon. if you have the whole chart it even tells you who or what you are trying to summon!

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