
What is this mysterious slot and the two buttons on the side of my laptop?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. I've had this laptop for a long time, and i have no idea what this is.

There is a slot on the side of my laptop. I don't knwo what it is called, i don't know what you put in it or what it does or anything.

Next to the slot are two small tiny square buttons. Here is a picture

If you press one of the buttons it comes out like this

When you press them, nothing pops up on the computer screen or anything.

I have NO idea what you put in the slot, and i have NO idea what the buttons do. Can ssomeone explain? :o

Thak you very much in advance.




  1. That's called a PCMCIA slot (now known as "PC Card".)   It's not used as often these days as they used to be.  Most things are USB instead.  The buttons eject the cards that go in there.  

  2. That Slot if for a wireless card, if your Laptop didn't already come with one built in. That little tray that popped out is basically to keep things from getting into that slot.  

  3. That slot is for a wireless card, or Laptop connect cards. They allow you to get internet, sometimes in places that are not hotspots. You can get them from cingular, and other phone companies. The little button, when pressed in will push out the wireless card, allowing you to easily remove it. It's nothing you have to worry about, just don't go sticking weird things in there.

  4. looks like a reader slot on ur pc ---u didnt say what kind it was ----did u look in ur book that came with ur pc --it will tell u

    reader slot ----can be used cameras-- wifi cards  etc

  5. PC Card.

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