
What is this nursery rhyme IDNLTDF?

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What is this nursery rhyme IDNLTDF?




  1. That is not a nursery rhyme. Where did you see this?

  2. wait..what?

    i guess its what Kate B said first!

  3. I Do Not Like Thee Doctor Fell,

    The Reason Why I Cannot Tell,

    But This I Know And Know Full Well,

    I Do Not Like Thee Doctor Fell

  4. ....

    that makes no sense.

  5. Honey thats not a nursery Rhyme, thats a rock group that put words into a nursery Rhmye theme, and its a lyric or title of a song that 25 year old kids play on their hot rock station, trust me, i know i have a 21 year old, can it

  6. I do not like thee, Doctor Fell,

    The reason why, I cannot tell;

    But this I know, and know full well,

    I do not like thee, Doctor Fell.

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