
What is this odd object i keep seeing in space at night..

by  |  earlier

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Ok i am new to this answers thing but this is a serious question. For the last 4-5 nights now i have been noticing this flashing object a bit bigger than a star to the direct west around 12-3 AM. i live in the northern california area. for the last few nights i keep finding this same flashing thing. every night i see it doesnt move .. but it does move to a different location every night i try to find it.. it always remains in the west . 1st night i noticed it was in a certain spot.. this is the 5th night ive noticed it and its moved a lot up vertically. but it seems like it doesnt move at all when i stare at it.. It blinks a lot and emits different colors from far away.. i am pretty sure this isnt a sattillite or a star. nor a plane or helicopter. and from 12-3 AM it makes no movement. if someone could help explain or have ideas on what this is let me know.. this is a serious question.




  1. it is not a satlite nor is it a planet or a star. It's a space station or ship with artificial gravity. the lights are red and green flashing so people on earth think it is a plane. It is not the only one up there. there are six of them or even more, six is what we have logged. they can be seen all over the world. they are super top secret and no information is available to the general public. they could be our own millitary, secret astronaut program, area 51 or Dulce projects, or alien monitor post stations. At this point this is all we can offer you. please wake up, do research and pass the word.

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