
What is this pain in my shoulder and upper back?

by Guest44613  |  earlier

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its only when i jump on my trampoline and i dont know what it is




  1. ~ Hi ~ ! It could be the position you're in while jumping. If the pain occurs while jumping, then I would deduct that it has to do with the manner that you're twisting your body. Pain will manifest if you twist your body in  a manner that is not "natural" for your body. It's also important to remember that pain is a way to ALERT you that something you're doing is not right for your body, so really consider this when you're on the trampoline. You will discover ways to enjoy the trampoline without causing pain.

    Another thing to think about (it's really basic I know), but do you stretch a bit before you go on the trampoline. That may help to loosen your muscles.

    I hope you get relief from the pain soon! =)

  2. You might have a rib out of place. Pain will radiate outwards near the inflamed area. Have it checked out. Don't live with pain.

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