
What is this pain on my lower right hand abdomen?

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Ok on my right side i have this pain that shoots up to my right shoulder then down my back. I've been ruched to the hospital 3 times, i've had 2 ct scans, a meckles scan, and a lower abdomen scan. They said its not my appendix. Do you guys know what it could be. It gives me so much pain there are times i just want to crawl into a ball and die. Having these pains effects my school and I'm afraid it's going to effect me going into j.r.o.t.c.. so please please help. btw im only 14!




  1. idk i'm twelve and honestly in my opinion a lot of doctors are stupid sooo.... idk. good luck though.

  2. The nerve that supplies your diaphragm is the same that supplies your shoulder. Diaphragm? Its the big, thick muscle that divides the inside of your body into chest and abdomen.

    So mostly, when there is an inflammation of the liver, or the gallbladder in/under it, situated on the right upper abdomen, the pain is also felt in the right shoulder, and goes down the back too, sometimes.

    So this could be a liver or gall bladder inflammation. But why do you feel the pain in the right LOWER abdomen when liver is in upper part. Well, it happens, ESPECIALLY when the pain is coming from your gall bladder.

    At your age, gall bladder stones are not that common. But then again, this is not necessary. Your scans showed nothing? Well, I don't know why.

    You need to tell your doctor if there is any association between your food intake and this pain. Does it happen after meals or on an empty stomach? And yes, is there any association between you taking oily food stuff and this pain.

    Have yourself seen by a gastroenterologist (a doctor for stomach problems), give a good, detailed history, get examined, scanned (yes, I know, once again), and demand an explanation. Take your past scans and reports with you to the doctor.

    Best of luck!

  3. Have you seen a neurologist yet?  If all of those other tests were negative there is a good chance you have some nerve problem, such as a pinched nerve or slipped disk somewhere.  Make an appointment with a neurologist as soon as you can and perhaps if that's the problem you can work on physical therapy or whatever your doctor recommends.

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