There is this girl I've known for quite a while and I've always wondered what her background-ethnicity is. She has naturally tan skin, quite a bit darker than the average white person. Her hair is naturally black and very straight, and she has dark brown eyes. This is pretty uncommon in the mostly white/caucasian area that I live in. She has a typical white American accent, and all of her friends are white. Once when filling out a questionnaire, she was confused as what to put as her race/ethnicity. She decided against white/caucasion, and considered hispanic, and even native american, but ended up marking 'no answer' because she was unsure. Many who meet her think she is hispanic, no one really thinks of her as white, although she has said her parents do not really share her looks and they don't really know their background either. I have never seen her parents.
So given this information, what do you think her background is, or is a mixture of, being born in the US in the mid-atlantic area?