
What is this picture of?

by  |  earlier

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Use the link above. What is the picture above showing? Where do you think it would be located?




  1. a fence post

  2. Top of a fence post

  3. I have no clue whatsoever

  4. Fence post?

  5. one of those poles that keep u from driving into a building, when u put them up, it protects a building from being backed into

  6. It looks like a cap to a chain link fence post.  Looking at the wall behind it, it looks like it would be located near an ocean, as the blocks behind it look like they are made from crushed up sea shells and sand.   Those particular kinds of blocks are found near the ocean.  I would guess that it's from Florida... but that's mostly because chain link fences are more popular in America than in other countries, and the presence of sea shells are more common in Florida.

  7. old fire hyrdrant

  8. I see waldo.

  9. some stick thing

  10. it's the upper part of a fence post ;)

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