
What is this preschool song?!?

by  |  earlier

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It goes something like this:

Singing in the rain

We're singing in the rain.

What a wonderful feeling

We're thumbs up, shoulders back

and Swaaaaaaay.

Singing in the rain

We're singing in the rain

What a wonderful feeling

We're thumbs up, shoulder back, knees together

and Swaaaaaaay..

and so on and so on.

and at the end it goes

We're singing in the rain.

We're singing in the rain.

What a wonderful feeling

We're thumbs up, shoulder back, knees together, bottoms up, tongue out, eyes closed, and swaaaaay.

keep swaying.

or something like that. does ANYBODY know what this song is called and who it's by?!




  1. That is a song from a movie called Singing In the Rain. It was created in 1952 you can look it up on Also you can just go to Itunes and type in the name of the movie I provided. The Soundtrack should appear with the song in it.

  2. There's one that's close to this called To De Ta (I don't know if this is spelled right). Dr. Jean does it.It has the thumbs up, elbows back part, but doesn't have the singing in the rain part. It goes:

    A to de ta

    A to de ta

    A to de ta ta

    A to de ta

    A to de ta

    A to de ta ta

    Thumbs up

    Elbows back

    Feet apart

    Knees together

    Bottoms Up

    Tongue Out

    Eyes Shut

    Turn Around

  3. This song - poetry , is titled as "NATURE" by Lord Tennison

  4. idk

  5. its called the rain song

  6. You've already got it  - just add one motion per verse.  You start out with thumbs up - sing the verse again and add shoulders back and so on.  It's a fun song and always promotes giggles!

  7. Funny Enough The Song Is Called I'm Singing In The Rain

    Type It In On This Website

    And The Name Will Come Up There Are Many Artists Of This Song

    but i Didnt See this Song a a Nursery Song :S

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