
What is this profesion called?

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Some one who specializes in vitamins and herbal stuff, they know everything about them and would work in a "herbal hut".




  1. herbalist

    witch docter

    medicine man

  2. herbist

  3. If they're also an MD, they'd be called an orthomolecular specialist or Orthomolecular Doctor or Physician.  If they've gotten an ND, they'd be called a Naturopath or a naturopathic physician.  If they specialize in herbs, they'd be called an herbalist.  If they work in a pharmacy, they'd be called a pharmacist with a specialty in naturopathic medicine and modalities.  You get the idea.  You may also find what you need in dealing with an Ayurvedic Physician, or a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (not necessarily a doctor in this country, but considered to be so in China).  I have also met many people who work at healthfood stores and co-ops who are at the top of their fields when it comes to recommending correct vitamins, minerals, supplements and herbs.  Dieticians (RD's and diabetic educators) may also be extremely knowledgeable and very helpful to you.

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