
What is this "Twilight" series of books? ?

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I keep seeing these twilight books everywhere! I've become intrigued. I enjoy the occasional vampire book every now and then, but generally I read the classics. Can anyone tell me more? I've heard there are more than one. What order do they go in? Give me the 411!




  1. In this order:


    New Moon


    Breaking Dawn

    About the book:

    It's about a girl named Bella Swan who goes to live with her father in rainy Forks, Washington, after living in hot and sunny Phoenix, Arizona her entire life. She's determined to hate Forks, but eventually, she finds a reason to stay - a boy named Edward Cullen has piqued her interest

    I personally don't like the books though.

  2. Twilight

    New Moon


    Breaking Dawn


    Bella Swan moves to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her dad in the middle of her sophomore year of high school. On her first day of school she sees a strange boy she knows she should be afraid of, but he intrigues her. She thinks she has him figured out, and finally they meet, and fall in love. There is also faithful best friend, and werewolf Jacob Black to complicate things.

    The books are basically following Edward and Bella's wonderful love, and the complications Jacob causes. They are really, really great books, that are very, very easy to get lost in. Don't let the young adult label fool you. I highly recommend them!

    Oh and it is becoming a movie! You should check out the trailer on Yahoo movies, it will give you a feel of the books. The movie's release date is November 21, 2008.

  3. Normally you read the classics eh?

    This is a classic!


    get with the times!

  4. The twilight series is basically the epic love story of a vampire and a human. There are many references to classics by the way. Anyway the order is twilight, new moon, eclipse, then breaking dawn. It is a really good series and i highly recommend it. :)

  5. Well, the way the author pitched it to her publisher was probably something like this:

    "So...there's this girl, and she's...named Bella.  Yeah.  And she moves to this town, and meets a boy called Edward.  And they fall in love.  Yeah, that sounds good.  Oh, did I mention he's a vampire?  Yeah, I guess he's a vampire.  And they...have problems."

    And then comes the "epic" "love" tale of a late-teenage girl who acts like a pre-pubescent girl and her non-scary, non-vampire-y romance with some horrible character who is apparently a vampire.  It's all written very badly and really only appeals to 13-year-old girls, and older girls with the maturity levels of 13-year-old girls.

  6. Order :


    -New Moon


    -Breaking Dawn

    The series was written by Stephine Meyer.It is the story of Bella Swan clumsy girl who is a magnet for trouble, she falls in love with Edward Cullen, unknowing that he is a vampire.The series also includes a love triangle between her-Bella- Edward and her best friend,as of the second book, Jacob Black who is a werewolf.It is even made more complicated when various characters want to kill Bella.The series is written in Bella's point of view,with the exception of the last books which includes a few chapters written in Jacob's point of view.

    I finished the series and found the first book to be the best.

  7. It's about a pissy girl named Bella, who gets stalked by a strange boy named Edward, who is apparently "teh secks", and they fall in love. Then Mr. Teh Secks leaves, and Bella gets all emo. Then he comes back. Then they get married (she's like 18 or something when they do).

    That's it, really.  

  8. I'm a guy and I typically don't read Tween novels but I have become I Twilight fan. The books involve humans, vampires, and werewolves. Thats not really what its about focuses on a love story between a human and a vampire.

    Here is the order:


    New Moon


    Breaking Dawn

    Soon to be released....Midnight Sun.

  9. The Twilight series is of the Fantasy/Romance genre and is directed (mostly) towards young adults.  It is about a rather plain girl called Bella who moves to a dreary town to live with her father.  Eventually she falls for Edward, a vampire who resists drinking blood and happens to be incredibly handsome.  The first book is entitled Twilight; after that, the order is New Moon, Eclipse, and finally, Breaking Dawn.  The author (Stephenie Meyer) is currently writing Midnight Sun, which is essentially Twilight from Edward's point of view.

    I did not enjoy the series myself (a bit too cheesy for my tastes, and the characters didn't thrill me) but you shouldn't let that stop you.  After all, if you read the series at least you will know what some people are raving about.

  10. Hello there,

    NOTE: This is my personal opinion. Use advice at your own discretion. Some books may have mature subject matter, meant for an older/mature audience.

    Ah, where to begin? Twilight is a book by Stephenie Meyer. It is a recent book for a targeted young adult audience in the romance genre.

    I will try not to ruin the storyline, in case you are interested in reading it in the future. So basically, there is a young lady named Bella Swan who is in high school who is described to be "average" looking. She comes from a divorced family, and used to live with her mother. However, the book starts off with this girl leaving her mother to live with her father in a small, rainy town called Forks. She attends high school there, and meets a strange, quiet, extremely attractive boy named Edward Cullen. And the story starts off from there into a romantic and passionate twist to it. Soon, Bella Swan finds out a secret about Edward Cullen that could prevent them from seeing eachother, their true love...

    The books come in this order:

    1. Twilight

    2. New Moon

    3. Eclipse

    4. Breaking Dawn

    Twilight is being turned into a movie, and you can catch the trailer on, in case you are interested. Just search in "Twilight trailer". The movie is coming out soon!

    I hope this helps. Good luck. I hope this wins Best Answer!

  11. twilight

    new moon


    breaking dawn

    and they are about a girl who moves to a new town only to find out about a very strange family... of vampires. and she falls in love with one of the sons, Edward. a series of events complicate thing, and leave many unanswered questions for her. all in all well, I LOVE THIS SERIES i pretty much have it memorized and have read it over 20 times, i am obsessed with the best series ever, twilight

  12. What everyone else said..


    And they're pretty good, not the best, but I really enjoyed them...


    Also, there is a movie (you probably already know) and the author is rewriting the orignal 'Twlight' except in Edward's perceptive/point of view. It'll be bigger than 'Twlight', apparently because Edward is a deeper character and thinks more...

    Oh yeah, it's expected to be called 'Midnight Sun'..

    But you probably know anyway!

    Be sure to try the first at least!



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