
What is this red thing?? It looks like my eye is bleeding??? (pics)

by  |  earlier

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if it helps i kinda overdosed on ipecac syrup yesterday...but this is what my eye looks like and i dont know why...

and i dont think its pink eye because i dont have any of the symptoms of pink eye




  1. I think you broke a blood vessel, My little cousin broke his Blood Vessel a few weeks ago.

  2. it is either a broken blood vessel or alcohol poisoning. you can go to your doctor to get it checked out.

  3. c**p!!! I can't remember the medical name for it right at this second. You broke a blood vessel in your eye from straining and it usually happens painlessly. People never know it until someone says something or they happen to look in the mirror and see it. It will go away by itself. Nothing to worry about. But why are you overdosing on ipecac? That sounds like a bigger problem.

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