
What is this sharp stabbing pain in my belly button?

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I am only about 11 weeks pregnant and i am having this pain as if I am being stabbed directly through the belly button with an ice pick. Some women have said they feel a pain underneath their belly buttons and that it may be sensitive and itch, but mine happens about once about every other day and my bb is otherwise fine. plus, it happens directly through my bb like someone's pulling a cord from the inside. or they say that it is a sign that your belly button is about to pop, but i am not even showing, and i don't think it could be that. this isn't serious is it?




  1. Dont worry, when my friend was having her baby she also felt sharp stabbing. but she was 10 weeks pregnant. :) she gave birth to little Lucy on the 3rd of march last year. .. I Hope your baby goes well and congratualtions!

  2. I had the same sticking pain.  Your uterus is growing thicker and thicker to protect your little bambino.  When I asked my doctor about it he said it is the tissue stretching and growing.  I would still bring it up at your next appointment...which should be soon.

  3. I would let your doctor know.  I just had a baby in May and started getting that same feeling - went to dr - I have a hernia.  Upon doing some research on it, I found out its common for those that are pregnant or just had babies to get.  But whatever I say here shouldn't matter, I am not a dr.  See yours JUST in case it could be something serious.

  4. The knife sticking out

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