
What is this sticky substance coming out of my b*****s?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I'm supposed to have my period by next week but I have really itchy nipples and my b*****s are really tender. When I gently pinch the spot on my nipple that's itching I pull of this sticky substance. Could this be what's causing the itch? It has no odor to it or anything it's just there and then I see these little white specks on there as well. What's going on with me? Pregnancy isn't even an option because I'm abstinent. What could be the problem? By the way I'm 16




  1. Best to talk with your doctor and/or your mother about this!

  2. i heard about this b4. Im 16 and one of my mates told me about it. im not 100% but i think it could be an seriously need the docs or your breast may rot  

  3. Ask your mom, ask a doctor because that's just not normal.

    But, hey, what do I know? I'm a guy. I just saw this question on the main page when I logged in and felt concerned.

    But, really, go ask a professional because there could be something seriously wrong.

  4. This can be a number of different things, and a doctors visit is necessary for a diagnosis. Possibilities include an allergic reaction, an infection, or just irritation, but may be something more serious. Think about whether you have done anything different lately, for instance changed detergents, perfumes, etc. Have you been running or swimming? Have you engaged in sexual activities outside the act of s*x? Many runners experience some amount of irritation on their nipples including small patches of dermatitis/eczema type reactions. Usually this won't result in discharge, but it may be pus due to the irritation. Because it may be something more serious, please don't wait to get diagnosed. Best of luck!

  5. dont worry........its nothing...

  6. ummm ive never heard of anything like that happening... go to a doctor and get it checked out

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