
What is this stupid notion of "Finding Yourself"?

by  |  earlier

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Unless I'm greatly mistaken, people are not born with their personalities, and are able to make decisions for themselves (unless you don't believe in free will, in which case it's all irrelevant).

Is there any merit to this idea, or am I right in thinking it's just another Stupid, empty, important-sounding phrase people love to repeat?




  1. You can find yourself with either your right or left hand.  

  2. You need to "Go walk about" mate.

  3. Just because choices are there, that doesn't make the decision-making process any easier...

    You're not born with your personality, you have to create one. "Finding" the right choice can be a difficult task, you know...and unless you're aware of the responsibility, it's very easy to just "pick one"

  4. If your ultimate goal and reason for living is to learn how to love your existence then you're going to need some strategies that work for who you are.

    To select the best strategies you're going to need to know who you are which is why one of the primary philosophical directives is - "Know thyself." Your quote is just a paraphrase of the original.

  5. The more you know yourself (and accept it), the better you are going to live your life, and most importantly is that you will be making less mistakes in life.  

  6. I agree with you

    I  believe that saying refers to someone that has difficulty being comfortable with their self and once they do its quote on quote considered "finding yourself"

  7. Know thyself was not about "what is my favorite color."

    It suggests that a person goes deep enough to discover that eternal aspect of who you are. This will explain that "I Am" in western terms. And it is not a religious thing either.

  8. Well, since most people are sheep, saying thigns like "find yourself", coming from them...would greatly reduce the credibility of the statement.

    But if you're a developed persona, and by a certain age you gather lots of life experience, and you're lost or just...not where you want to be, "soul searching, and finding yourself," are FAR from considered stupid at that point.

    If you have a soul and a self to find and search that is; many don't.

  9. Try "Knowing Yourself".

    Anyone can find themselves, who have their normal capacities.

  10. It has its origins in Socrates' great dictum, "Know Thyself."  Over the years it has become a cliche, sadly.

    People take it for granted that it's an easy thing to do, or define the search into something ridiculously trite and meaningless like cataloging all your attributes.

    In fact, to really "know oneself" requires going very deep down inside and really making a sincere and concerted long-term effort to truly SEE what is in there.  Your essence, not just little bits and pieces that you picked up along the way.

    To truly "know oneself" this way is to open up the secrets of the cosmos and also to know others as well.

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