
What is this switch to Digital T.V. stuff about?

by Guest57734  |  earlier

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Now I get the picture that they are switching to digital only broadcasting in Feb. '09, but I would like to know why? Also why are they saying it's a new law? How is it going to change the reception...saying if I get the converter box and don't have cable will I be able to view the basic channels( with the antenae I saw mostly snow) so does this mean it will be clearer as well...please give me the details so I can understand this.




  1. If you don't have cable or satellite, then you use the converter box and an antenna to pick up the basic network channels in your area (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, etc.). Depending on how far you are from the broadcast towers, you may need a large antenna, or even multiple antennas aimed in specific directions to receive all of the stations you want.

    You can get help finding nearby stations and choosing an antenna at

    As for the snow, only analog channels have snow. The digital channels (3.1, 5.1, 10.1, etc) will either be "choppy" if you have weak reception, or won't come on at all if you have bad reception, but you never get snow on digital channels.

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