
What is this theory, first the Super GWarming HEAT, then the Big Freeze??

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Is that what happened before the dinosaur era? What is this theory? Burn us up then freeze dry us? Seriously I'd like to know, I keep catching the tail end of explanation. Ty for ur info & link helpful.




  1. its nothing all we know is that the earths axis is moving and we cant control is tilt back and forth in a couple thousands yeasr there will be a new north star so dont worry bout it. its just going to be random weather for years and havent you notice the seasosn changing

  2. The earth has been going thru cycles of warmth to freeze.  At this time historical data/records show we're due for another but compounding the onset is the man-made encouragement/interferences with Pollution.

  3. This theory about a global freezing is pretty much the same as every other theory on manmade Global Climate Change -


    Global warming is a lie, so is global freezing, so long as there is solar activity our climate will change, but not THAT much. Stop listening to Al Gore.

  4. The earth's in orbit 'round the sun

    Rotating on it's axis,

    Another thing for which Al Gore

    Would dearly love to tax us.

    It's been colder than normal now for the past 14 months where I live.  To me that's global cooling regardless of what the agw guys say.  I'm tired of driving around in the middle of July with my car heater on.

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