
What is this thing I found in my hamster's bedding?

by  |  earlier

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Not only they are in the hamster's bedding, they are all around the area near my hamster cages.

It looks black, and looks like they have pincers in front of them. The "thing" has a width of about 1mm - 1.2mm and a length of about 2.5mm - 3mm. My hamsters have a patch of lost fur at the back of their necks. They are constantly seen scratching, often out of a sudden.

I was thinking it was a kind of parasite, since it seems to be disturbing the hamsters and making them lose fur. I searched for images of ticks/lice/fleas but none of them resembles the "things" I found crawling all over my hamster stuff.

What kind of parasite is that? =( Any veterinarians around? Help please!!


Additional Information:

#1 My hamsters are Dwarf Winter Whites and are inbred by accident. (Didn't have money to buy cages to separate my first two hamsters' off-spring. So off-springs mated. And I have tons of hamsters now. Though, now each of them have individual cages.)

#2 I don't have other pets at home. My hamsters are also kept in my room. I have no plants in my room.


"What kind of parasite is that? =( Any veterinarians around? Help please!!"




  1. maybe its flees, they can affect both animals and humans. Take them all to the vet, get a flee bath just in case. Ask the vet to check their skin and hair since you said they have fur missing. Good luck

  2. looks like you've an infestation of rice beetles.

  3. Get some of your hamsters to the vet so he can take a look at them and also bring what you found in the cage.  Your hamsters are definitely going to need medicine.

    I would throw out whatever bedding you have right now and buy entirely new bedding.  You should also sterlize your cages with bleach, hot water, and antibacterial soap.  Wash them out well.  

    It sounds like whatever parasite it is it's a pretty bad infestation.  I would look into finding something to put in the carpet around your house.  It does sound like mites though.  

  4. I'm not a vet, but it almost sounds like mites. I'd call your local vet and see what you can do to treat this.

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