
What is this thing in my fish pond???

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I just came back from vacation and i looked into my pond in my backyard where i keep some fish. Anyways, i look in and theres like a million black small tadpole, sperm looking things moving around. All my fish are eating them and im wondering what they are. Heres a description of what they look like.

small, black, moving (a head and a tail sorta like a sperm cell) and they are all over my pond wall....

so in conclusion:what is this, is this from tadpoles?? fish eggs??? or what???




  1. Sounds like tadpoles.  Could be fish fry/babies, not sure what types of fish you have in there, but they wouldn't necessarily look like tadpoles.

  2. Well, look at the bright side, at least your fish had some yummy tadpole dinners while you were on vacation.

    It's nature making sure your fish didnt die while you were gone:)

    Course you could just leave them there, they will grow up and hop away when they are ready.. then again they will return to the same pond to spawn again when they are older.

  3. Those are tadpoles, you described the classic characteristics of them.

  4. They are tadples and will turn into frogs if you don't get them out of there!!

  5. Erm they could also be toad spawn.

    Dig about with your hand in there.  If you pull out jelly stuff from round the edges and:

    it is in clumps, then they will be frog spawn  

    it is in long stringy ribons then it is toad spawn  

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